Why We Went

We both have a passion for animals, exploration, landscapes and creating images. This trip let us combine all of this into one epic trip.

Jeff Paradiso

What drove me to Africa was my first report on elephants at the age of 12. Ever since then, I wanted to see these animals in the wild. Seeing them in a zoo was ok, but it was not the same. As I learned more about elephants and there surroundings, I really wanted to see them in the wild. Around the age of 20, I discovered that you can go on a photography safari. This instantly became the Number One on my bucket list. When my 40th birthday came up, the one thing I wanted to do was to take the plunge and go to Africa! It only took 20 years, but it was worth the wait. I hope it does not take 20 more years to go back.

Kim Paradiso

I can’t remember the moment I started thinking about Africa. Perhaps it was simply inspired by Jeff’s longing to go on a safari as a photographer. Or maybe it stemmed from a romantic notion about seeing these amazing animals in their wild setting. Or maybe I just wanted to explore somewhere exotic.

I knew we would eventually get there, but I didn’t think it would be this soon. As we discussed his upcoming milestone of turning 40, Jeff impulsively blurted out, “Let’s go to Africa.” Me, I’ve always been the cautious (or is it hesitant?) one in the relationship. But when he disclosed his desire to go to Africa, my heart stirred and all I could think was, “Why not?”

We only had two months to prepare, including securing our passports, booking flights, and rounding up our vaccinations. Were we ready to do this?

We took a deep breath, sent off the deposit, signed the papers, and made the commitment.

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